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5 signs you may have a mouse problem

Abell Pest Control

Discovering a mouse is loose in your home can be a real headache, and for restaurant owners, such an infestation can be an even bigger problem. Mice may be cute, but they simply do not belong in the kitchen, attic or anywhere else. If you've noticed any of these signs around your house or business, it may be time to call in a professional rodent exterminator:

  1. Droppings
    Unfortunately, one of the most telltale signs that you may be harboring unwanted pests is also one of the most disgusting. Mice droppings are small and cylindrical, and can be found where the little creatures are most active. MSN reported that because mice scat can be full of bacteria or even harmful viruses, they should be very carefully removed. That means disinfecting any areas where they are found, and wearing a respiratory mask if you are in a basement, attic or other confined space.
  2. Noises
    Another way that mice may present themselves is through the tiny sounds made by scratching or scampering. This may be in the walls, across the ceiling or the kitchen counter, especially at night. All sorts of small critters can find their way into your walls or attic, so it can be difficult to know for sure that a mouse is creating noises while you sleep. Mice in particular make very soft sounds caused by squeaking, gnawing or scurrying. Pay close attention to where you hear sounds and be sure to give any pest control professional as much detail as possible.
  3. Food theft
    Mice don't just eat cheese, and according to Live Science, these small rodents actually have a diverse diet. As such a mouse may be just as happy eating left over fruit or seeds as it is cleaning up candy or cookies. Because mice have such quick metabolisms, they eat up to 20 times a day. For that reason, mice are very opportunistic when it comes to gathering food. If you notice crumbs sprawled across your kitchen or small holes in a cereal box or other snack food, it is very likely a mouse has visited your home, if not set up shop entirely. Be sure to store food items in secure, plastic bins whenever possible and clean up any messes in the kitchen before going to bed. Mice are also naturally inquisitive animals, which exacerbates their pertinacity to bite into something new. In a home or restaurant setting that could mean wires, flooring or many other man-made structures. Over time, damage from mice or other invasive rodents can become quite extensive and costly to fix. For that reason, be sure to document and monitor any possible signs of an unwanted creature gnawing through your home or business.
  4. Damage around the house
    Gnawed wires or wooden furniture may be the handy work of an unwanted mouse in your home. Mice are famous for their front incisor teeth, and like all rodents, these grow continuously throughout the animal's life. For that reason, mice, rats and other members of the rodent family are always on the look out for something to chew on.
  5. An actual sighting
    If you actually see a mouse, odds are it's not just passing through. A human home or restaurant offers shelter from predators and the elements, plenty of food and water and a place to set up a cozy nest. If you see even one mouse, it's best to start making changes to discourage the animal from getting too comfortable in your home. Be more mindful of your food, set up non-lethal traps and call a pest service professional for advice or guidance.

About the author:

Since 1924, Abell Pest Control has provided quality services, protecting our customers and their patrons from coast-to-coast. Our customers enjoy the expertise and resources of a national provider. Prouder yet, we are members of your community, ready to service your home or business 24/7.

We are reliable experts in pest control—experts who care. At Abell Pest Control, we bring experience, efficacy and knowledge to customers who are looking for a fast, safe and effective solution to their pest problem.

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