More time around the home boosts raccoon activity
TORONTO, ON June 8, 2021 – Raccoons living in urban centers are nothing new, but many homeowners have noticed an increased presence of these critters in their neighbourhoods. Abell Pest Control contributes the 65% increase in raccoon inquiries to a surge in activities in and around the home as a result of the pandemic. Abell reminds homeowners that the best way to protect their homes from raccoons is to eliminate food sources and place they can shelter.
“Urban raccoons depend on human food scraps for a significant portion of their diet, which means they forage in trash cans and dumpsters,” said John Abell, President, Abell Pest Control.
Raccoons are a common sight in cities and the suburbs, so encounters happen often and are not uncommon. Abell recommends that people stay away from both young and mature raccoons as they carry diseases that can pose a serious health risk.
Abell recommends the following tips to prevent raccoons from raiding your garbage and taking up residence in or around your home:
When it comes to preventing raccoon invading your home, the best approach is a proactive one. Follow the tips above to help ensure that raccoons stay away from your property.
Abell Pest Control is a North American leader in pest control, hygiene, and disinfection services offering businesses and homeowners effective, safe and dependable services since 1924