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4 interesting facts about house centipedes

Abell Pest Control

Since the mid-1800s, when the first house centipedes were noticed in Pennsylvania, these many-legged creatures have been scurrying and breeding in homes across North America. If you've seen one before, you know that they can move very quickly in order to hide from you. More than 100 years ago, when many women wore dresses, house centipedes would run toward women who had spotted them to hide under their long dresses. This was one of the reasons why people became afraid of them, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologist C.L. Marlatt in 1902.

Today, house centipedes still cause uneasiness and discomfort in homeowners. Many times, the best way to eliminate a house centipede problem is by enlisting the help of a home pest control company, because pest management is difficult.

If you're worried that you may have a house centipede issue at your home or if you're just curious about why these insects invade others' homes, here's some important information about house centipedes to keep in mind.

  1. They don't have 100 legs
    Despite what their name suggests, centipedes don't actually have 100 legs. In fact, house centipedes have 30 legs, or 15 pairs, Iowa State University's Department of Entomology explained. Each leg is about the width of a thread and very short. Of course, the legs are proportional for the insect, which is only about 1 1/2 inches long.
  2. They don't want to live in your bathroom
    Many people call up their local pest control service after they spot the insects in the bathroom, but the fact is that they'd rather have a darker place. ISU pointed to basements, closets, crawl spaces and firewood piles as more preferred spaces for centipedes. But, because they like moisture, centipedes are sometimes attracted to bathrooms.
  3. You may have other pests if you see a centipede
    Centipedes, although discomforting to many homeowners, feed on other pests like spiders. So if centipedes are attracted to your home, it may be because you have another pest issue that looks like a buffet to them, Pennsylvania State University's College of Agricultural Sciences explained. You may want to consider pest management for more than just the centipedes in order to keep them out.
  4. Some people keep centipedes as pets
    Although most people view the 30-legged creatures as unwelcome guests, digital magazine xoJane reported that some people keep house centipedes as pets.

About the author:

Since 1924, Abell Pest Control has provided quality services, protecting our customers and their patrons from coast-to-coast. Our customers enjoy the expertise and resources of a national provider. Prouder yet, we are members of your community, ready to service your home or business 24/7.

We are reliable experts in pest control—experts who care. At Abell Pest Control, we bring experience, efficacy and knowledge to customers who are looking for a fast, safe and effective solution to their pest problem.

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