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Remove flies from food processing plants by finding their source

Abell Pest Control

A major disadvantage that a food or beverage processing plant has is that it can't easily hide food from pests. It's what they do - the food is out in the open where the potential for flying insects and other pests being drawn to them is pretty good.

That is, unless proper food sanitation and pest management measures are in place to prevent insects from gathering in food storage and preparation areas. Flies and fruit flies are a major concern of food processors, but by addressing breeding sites, the population can be diminished significantly.

Having regular visits by a professional pest control service like Abell Pest Control is the best way to target areas where flying insects are likely to be active. The firm can identify the structural and sanitation issues that cause pests to infiltrate the plant and use strategies to maintain a pest-free atmosphere going forward.

Eliminating breeding grounds

Flies can carry bacteria wherever they settle, compromise the safety of the food and potentially damage the business if a consumer health issue or recall occurs as a result. Eliminating the conditions that draw flies and fruit flies to food processing must be not only eliminated but monitored to make sure they don't return.

Any standing water issues that could allow flying insects to breed must be eliminated from both processing and distribution points. Garbage must be disposed properly in dumpsters, covered completely and moved some distance from open doors into the plant.

As Food Safety magazine reported, screen doors may work on standard exterior doors, but not on dock doors, which require doors outfitted specifically for docking entries, strip doors or air curtains. However, air curtains have to be angled to direct airflow outward to effectively keep the insects from entering the facility.

Pest removal methods

Another method involves pest control equipment like ultraviolet fly lights. Although the light isn't visible to humans, flies are attracted to it and can be eliminated when they draw near the light. While electric grids work well for many businesses, light units that employ glue traps to prevent flies from falling to the floor or near a production line will help prevent contamination in food processing plants.

Sometimes the problem emanates from the plant's plumbing system, where flies can feed on discarded food or the debris that clings to pipes. In those cases, Abell can use a biofoam remediation process that fills pipes to get rid of any fly infestations that have developed deep in the plumbing.

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About the author:

Since 1924, Abell Pest Control has provided quality services, protecting our customers and their patrons from coast-to-coast. Our customers enjoy the expertise and resources of a national provider. Prouder yet, we are members of your community, ready to service your home or business 24/7.

We are reliable experts in pest control—experts who care. At Abell Pest Control, we bring experience, efficacy and knowledge to customers who are looking for a fast, safe and effective solution to their pest problem.

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